I'm catching up with still five days left to amass more inventory for the upcoming local Fair next weekend. Seeing as we are scheduled for three days I certain want a larger variety of inventory.
Here are three which I made this morning, the others from last week have already joined many others in the travel tote box.
I so enjoy the process of actually quilting the fabrics I use in my bags. Be they large or small, I so enjoy the actual quilting process, and while I am sitting there quilting my fabrics I get to wool gather....not even finished one bag but already planning another.
Here is but a small cosmetic bag, or, if the person who buys it wants it can be a bag for anything at all....
I adore fabrics which are bright, and most of all I favour natures beautiful Dragonfly's' so when I find some I hoard them for far too long, finally I grabbed this beautiful red with metallic outlined Dragonfly's and flowers.... Is it not a pretty patterned piece of fabric?
Now I believe this turned out really nice. It is small as in 5 1/2" High/Tall by 6 1/4" wide and 2 3/4" at it's bottom.
Next up is one made from silver dyed suede. It came from a remnant and it turned out to be so pretty. It has a tiny bit of finished dimensions being 5 1/8th" High/Tall by 6 3/4" in width with 2 3/4" at its bottom! Not really so noticeable, but certainly the difference in the fabric makes up for some minor differences in the finished product...wierd huh?
AND finally, I made a different style altogether from a design pattern from Atkinson Designs. These are so useful and I am never able to keep these in stock. I make so many and have none left over. I have one lady who bought three and using them for various out of doors activities, once certainly for her Geo-Caching adventures the uses so very diverse.
This little cinch bag with zip pocket measures 9 1/2" in Length by 6 3/4" in width. I certainly like the colour combination of this little dual purpose bag, Red, white and blue, but enjoy having mingled the lady bugs with the flowers. It was fun to make.
over the past many months given up time to the Vintage shop, so this past month and a half (almost 1/2 of July has disappeared already) can you believe it. I was moaning so long for Spring and summer to arrive and now I am astonished to see I have frittered away almost one month of official summer! I have been cheating a bit too, since my Student left I have been watching my beloved GOLF and of course now the PanAM Games have begun! Have you seen the Opening Ceremonies? Were they not stupendous? Well, I thought they were and Toronto has every reason to be proud of itself, job well done....
Now it is once again time to push myself away from the computer and head on back to the sewing machine, once again it is pedal to the metal time. These remaining days must be put to the best use possible.
Have fun, stay safe, remain cool and come back to visit soon.
“When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left and could say, I used everything you gave me.”Read more: http://www.keepinspiring.me/positive-inspirational-life-quotes/#ixzz3fhJaFEZe