Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Yesterdays Toys for Todays Girls and Boys

Years ago when my child outgrew his playthings I donated all of the Fisher Price toys and as well as a Fisher Price toy wagon to my Aunt who was day care sitting at the time.  Then when she was no longer doing day care these toys were passed along to her grandchildren and now those grandchildren are planning families and the toys are being asked for from a cousin who got them some time ago for her children as well as the Toy Wagon, (which wagon is still in fantastic shape I heard).  

Fisher Price Toys from the 1960's were well made toys and my child had just about every one that was going, which began with his grandparents giving him this Roly Poly Chime Ball from DarlenesCountryGoods shop 

(remember these?)
 and from all accounts I hear this is actually still being passed around the family babies...... AMAZING isn't it?

WITH only 63 days left until Christmas I got to thinking about good toys and decided to see if there were Vintage Fisher Price toys available at the Independent shops on Etsy!  Sure enough, all I had to do was put the name Fisher Price into the search bar and up they came, there are pages and pages of these enduring toys!   These were popular in the 1960's and remain as popular with the youngsters of 2014!

As a grandparent, an Aunt or an Uncle you cannot go wrong buying a Vintage Fisher Price.  These toys have not only survived the children who once owned them, but remain in such great shape that now many other children are able to enjoy them, and their value is in how beloved these were once and how well loved these are today! 

SO, if you have been searching for just the perfect toy to give this year, give one that lasted, will last and provide hours upon hours of creative play for the child you have in mind. 

Have you been searching for those Little People from the Fisher Price toys  for a long time?  I found some over at the ClockworkRummage shop, nineteen assorted little people for your little ones to put into their Fisher Price school bus, or the air plane, or the Castle..what a bargain too!

Luckily the School bus is also available at the FriendsRetro shop, isn't this cute
 and these Fisher Price Vintage toys have never gone out of style because little tiny tots love them no matter what year it is.  Something about these toys that grab hold of their imaginations and never lets go!  Your little one will play with this for hours on end as did my son, his child and countless of other children who came visiting over these past 34 years. 

In the PeachyBeam shop I found the Toot-Toot-Train from 1964 and it looks brand new in this photograph...WOW these toys never wear out!
In the ShaginyandTil shop I found the Little People Farm Barn also from Fisher Price....I wish Etsy had been around when I was looking for some of these!
AND at the TeacupsNMore shop I found the Little People Circus Zoo Train set... oh wow,  I remember my son played with this for hours and hours, he loved putting in the animals and little people and chugging about making those funny sounds children make when their totally in their own element with their favorite toys!

Isn't it wonderful to be able to buy these precious vintage toys, all in terrific condition and give these to a child to be entertained with for countless hours each day?  Little tots don't recognize the year of the toy, they just happen to enjoy playing with a good toy that remains together for ever!

****The choice of items I choose to write about is my own, I am not affiliated with any crafting community, sellers or the shop owners or individual or company!    I do not extract nor do I get paid  for my publications of any item or items or personal opinions contained within this my personal blog.   I do not know nor am I affiliated with any person or shop I write about whatsoever*****

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A very nice review of the various Fisher Price Toys. Thanks for including our shop, ClockworkRummage.