Thursday, December 25, 2014


Santa has finally arrived and the Big and most important celebratory day of 2014 is beginning, squeals of joy have been heard all over the world as excited children rip open those wonderfully wrapped gifts which Santa has left beneath millions of Christmas trees, while mum and dads all over are nursing a late Christmas eve and very too early morning shouts from over excited little ones are begging them to get up and telling them Santa has been, come see!

This ole woman has no little ones at home to disturb the peace of Christmas morning and has allowed herself to catch a little extra shut eye this morning.  After a leisurely coffee it is back to the sewing machine for me, I have still two gifts to finish sewing and will enjoy a wonderful afternoon as well as Christmas dinner with neighbors who have kindly extended an invitation to enjoy turkey with all the trimmings with them!  

I have been at it constantly for a week solid now and with the finish line in my sights I am anxious to get these crossed off my list...then it is off on a trip to visit with my Treasures!  I cannot wait to see them and revel in hugs and kisses and watch them laugh and play while they tell me all that Santa left with them this Christmas.  My littlest Treasure will surely be excited as this will be her first Christmas which will lodge into her memories of youth...She is only two and a little bit and the other two will have primed her about how very special this day is for children all over the world. 

I have had my Christmas conversations with my two best friends and have one special friend left to speak with!  I will call her this evening after all of the out of the house in her neck of North America have ended and we have time to play catch up.  I have been a naughty friend this year, I haven't spoken with her for months as I have been allowing the days to exhaust me and just fallen into a bed inspection most nights so calling seemed something I just didn't do!

I wish you all a wonderful celebration today if Christmas is observed by you and yours, may there be an answer to the millions of prayers for peace and may you enjoy good health, much happiness as well as prosperity in the coming New Year.  I pray 2015 will be a much better year for each and every one of us heaven knows we could all use more prosperity.  

Posts will resume in the New year upon my return. 

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